September 21, 2023

Volume XXXIV, Issue XI

Editor's Note

Dear Reader, We’re back! A few days late, but back nonetheless. After scattering across the globe this summer, we’ve returned to 14p. Between killer writers meeting playlists, rooftop socials, and the simple fact that we are all finally in the same space again, the vibes have never been better. Nowhere were the vibes more expertly synthesized than by BWF and JJG, who wrote this week’s scrut about Walpole State Prison. Fifty years ago, the Massachusetts corrections commissioner gave the keys to the prisoners, and had them run the prison for two months. Meticulously researched and constructed, this scrut looks into the events at Walpole and how the prison changed in the years following, all to understand how Walpole’s legacy should shape our thinking about prisons today. Big kudos to the authors for pulling together such a detailed, thoughtful scrut for our first issue. Elsewhere in this issue, YAK writes about True Love Revolution, a club at Harvard in the mid-aughts that promoted abstinence on campus, reflecting on how, despite her skepticism of the club’s mission and personal distaste for sexual shaming, the abstinence education she received in school influence her perspective now. Hate Red’s Best? Read SEW and ESK’s article about HUDS’ efforts to be sustainable, and maybe reconsider. Beyond finding out how dining hall food is sourced, they dive into the details of how HUDS deals with food waste and recycling. A green star for HUDS and a gold star for these determined writers! We’ve also put out a quartet of 15Qs: Before even arriving on campus, GRW talked to Kathleen Coleman about Gladiators and racism in the classics. JKW had a fascinating conversation with Catherine Brekus about Christianity in America and women in history. KT asked psychology professor Mina Cikara about the psychology of hate crimes. Last but not least, KLM talked to economist David Yang about everything from cookbooks to CCP censorship to propaganda. Our endpaper this week is all about reflecting on summers away from home, and the homecomings that follow. CCG, AS, MG, URR, TAK, and CPR each write about their summers, looking back on the new routines they made across the globe — and the personal growth that came with it. ACF publishes her debut crossword this week, “An Awfully Good Puzzle.” A big thanks to JYY and KL for updating our crossword tab (you can now solve archived crosswords!) and for answering our stupid questions! Thank you to everyone who engaged with FM over summer — thank you to reading club attendees, to SEW, KLM, and CJK for joining the exec team, and SET for working on some truly gorgeous new glossy designs. The usual thanks are due as well — thank you SS, SET, SCS, MHS, MQ, JH and JJG for all the work you do taking our photos and creating our graphics (and for Maestro, and for moving Maestro to the start of the hour). Thank you to BLK and MX, as always, for proofing our articles, and for all the time you gave to FM this summer with mini-shoot and pitch meetings and the time you continue to give to us. And most of all, thank you to AHL, for everything you do for this publication, but also for your friendship — excited for more post-Chinese lunches and conversations to come this semester! FM Love, IYG and AHL