
Fifteen Questions: Naomi Oreskes on Climate Change Denial, Apolitical Scientists, and Her Favorite Rocks

The historian and her dog sat down with Fifteen Minutes to talk about disinformation, climate change, and rocks. “Generally people don’t act — especially if you’re asking people to change how they're living, how they’re behaving, how they’re thinking — if you just give them dry scientific information,” Oreskes says.

Joseph Fasano is Not Ready to Renounce the Universal

Fasano is not your typical poet’s poet. Far from content with keeping poetry ensconced to its narrow readership of academics and literary savants, he has worked in past years to democratize the genre.

Delilah Brown, Campus Cafe Extraordinaire

Brown has since transitioned to her role as assistant manager of both Barker and Lamont Cafes, and she can be thanked for putting an end to students’ lonesome glances at the empty coffee bars. Now up and running for the 2023-2024 school year, featuring a menu of fresh pastries and brewed drinks, the cafes have restored their lively student audience and are accompanied by Beyoncé, Whitney Houston, or whoever’s on queue on Brown’s go-to playlist.

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As Hunts-in-Winter sees it, martial arts and MMIW advocacy concern the same fundamental principle. “They’re both about women empowerment. They’re both about the voices that aren’t heard,” she says.

Get to Know ‘Brave Woman’ Kylie Hunts-in-Winter ’25, a Martial Arts World Title Holder and MMIW Advocate

As Hunts-in-Winter sees it, martial arts and MMIW advocacy concern the same fundamental principle. “They’re both about women empowerment. They’re both about the voices that aren’t heard,” she says.

Jules Gill-Peterson

Jules Gill-Peterson is a 2023–24 Radcliffe fellow and an associate professor of history at Johns Hopkins University.

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Bruno M. Carvalho is a professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and African and African American Studies and is an affiliated professor in Urban Planning and Design at the Graduate School of Design. His work focuses on cities and culture.

Fifteen Questions: Bruno Carvalho on Cities, Bike Lanes, and Punny Halloween Costumes

The urbanist sat down with Fifteen Minutes to discuss cities and urban studies. “I’m not sure I would say cities are inherently anything except for places where strangers live among each other and places where constructions are supposed to last beyond a single generation,” he says.

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Aryt Alasti's volunteer work with plants, which spans all three decades of his time at Harvard, is due solely to his love of natural beauty and a refusal to abandon life.

Maria Dominguez Gray

Maria Dominguez Gray has been at the Phillips Brooks House Association for going on 25 years, and has been the executive director for 11.

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Lawrence B. Millman is an avid mycologist, writer, and ethnographer. For the last 35 years, he has conducted mycological work around the world and written 18 books documenting his findings and experiences.

A FunGi Among Us: Meet Lawrence Millman, the Square’s Expert Mycologist

Millman’s passion for discovering drives him still. Whether it’s encountering a fungal species that had not been seen since 1909 or learning about the traditions of the cultures he encounters from the Arctic to the archipelagos, the unpredictability of his work never ceases to impress him.

The World is Aryt Alasti’s Garden

Aryt Alasti works as a security guard at Harvard from the evening until early morning. He returns home for a brief two-hour nap before coming back to campus. Then he toils each day caring, alone, for dozens of plants across Harvard.

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