Crimson opinion writer

Prince A. Williams

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Hip-Hop at 50: Let’s Get Free

As hip-hop turns 50 this year, we have an important opportunity for reflection. Let’s not just listen — let’s consider this powerful style of bounce and rhythm’s deep roots in protest.

The New AFRO: A Call For Black Political Organization

Effective Black political organizing will see to it that new University leadership catches up to our vision of safety, education, and health for Black students in a truly anti-racist campus.

It’s Deeper Than Hot Breakfast

We must push back against this repeated cycle of austerity by challenging the value system of our institution. That means organizing and building coalitions with each other around issues that mutually affect us — including when it comes to hot breakfast.

Dish Soap and Greek Myths

Students too frequently fall into the trap of maligning all work as burdensome and dreary, and it affects our attitude at Harvard. Perceiving every semester as work, something to overcome or accomplish, makes school a drag.

ሰላም (Hey), Take An African Language

Despite the loving faculty and incredible culture that I have come to know during my time taking Tigrinya, I’ve noticed that surprisingly few students enroll in the African Language Program. To all current Harvard undergraduates: Consider taking a course in an African language.

Dissent: Harvard Square is Not the Center of the Universe

It’s time we asked ourselves, who’s really to blame for Harvard Square being so inaccessible: individual tourists or the multibillion-dollar university that created a local economy with 16 dessert shops, more than 10 banks, and an overpriced CVS in an effort to appeal to them?

A Valentine For A Young Black Artist

This love poem is inspired by the great Phillis Wheatley, the first published Black poet in America. Wheatley was a child when she was taken from her home in West Africa to Boston. She won her freedom in the fall of 1773, and continued to write beautiful poetry until her death 11 years later.

More of the Same? Harvard Needs More Than Symbolic Change From Claudine Gay

Claudine Gay’s appointment as the first Black woman president of Harvard University is a historic moment for representation in higher education. However, given the massive wealth and power that the University holds, her administration must address the systemic issues that perpetuate inequality and injustice at Harvard.

Charles Sumner and His Family Deserve A Harvard House

There are few families tied to the legacy of Harvard that come close to the honor and fortitude of the Sumner Family. Those who we choose to memorialize define what we as the Harvard community want to embody in the future. As we work to become a more just community, we must reckon with our history. That process can begin at Sumner House.