
Eve S. Jones

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Section-Kid Those Daylight Savings: What To Do With Your Extra Hour

Daylight savings is upon us. It would be silly to spend our extra hour in the Twilight Zone sleeping instead of getting something done. Most of you will probably spend that time sleeping, but for those of you who really want to stay on that Harvard grind, here’s how to use that extra hour.

Harvard Student Affirmations

Sometimes you need something to repeat under your breath on the way to class besides “I’m so tired” and “fml” and the Krebs cycle. That’s where we come in. Repeat our affirmations and manifest them.

Guys, We Have a Museum on Campus

The art museum is there, whether you constantly forget about it or not! But it’s probably better if you don’t forget about it. Find out why!

Which Type of Visitas Student Are You?

Harvard has its stereotypes, just like every other school. But the clique you’re in at your high school doesn’t matter here. This weekend, you reinvent yourself. What’s your new persona? Take this quiz to find out.

Top 10 Things All Prefrosh Absolutely Need to Know!

Congratulations on your acceptance to Harvard! We know there’s so much information to take in about our wonderful institution, and it can be overwhelming. Well, we at Flyby, being the benevolent publication that we are, have decided to make things easier for you. Here are the top 10 things you need to know about Harvard.